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Captain America Civil War Awesome Unused Concept Art

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Captain America Civil War is one of the most anticipated movies of the year and judging by all of the clips we’ve seen (I’ve posted a couple here and then again here) it’s going to be totally awesome.

And what’s more, critic review’s are coming in from the pre-show screenings from earlier in the month and all of them are positive. It’s looking like Captain America Civil War is going to significantly overshadow the disappointment of Batman vs Superman and be the movie we all want it to be.

ANYWAY, let’s get back on topic. I have some awesome concept art to show you.

Captain America Civil War Concept Art

So yesterday Captain America Civil War concept artist Alexander Lozano revealed a piece of unused concept art he created for the movie.

And guess what? It’s epic.

In a Facebook post Lozano said “…this was an unused piece that i was inspired to create at the end of working on the project. i wanted to show them fighting with their gloves off. hope you like it!”

Check out the art below.

Captain America Civil War Concept Art

Entirely awesome ain’t it?

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