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No thanks, I'm good.In the recent “Produced By” conference in Los Angeles, Kevin Smith expressed interest in potentially taking on the task of directing a superhero movie.
But which one?
Kevin Smith is of course no stranger to the superhero world (no shit, right?) writing numerous comic book storylines for a variety of different characters. Most notably were his runs in DC with The Green Arrow: Quiver story arc and a good number of Batman miniseries (I personally, loved The Widening Gyre).
So which sueprhero does Kevin Smith want to do a movie about? The answer might surprise you.
Confusingly, the answer is THE QUESTION.
At the “Produced By” Conference, Smith said that he envisioned the movie starring The Question to be a “noir thriller”. Already, I’m liking the sound of it (I’m such a goddman mark).
At this stage, the notion of a The Question movie is not even in concept stage – it’s more in a “director’s wish list” stage of production, but you can’t argue with Smith’s justification.
“I always thought if you were in an alley and f***ing Batman showed up you’d be like, ‘Oh f*** Batman.’ But if a dude shows up with no features and starts punching you, you would probably kill yourself in fear.”
He’s got a point, right?
The Question, real name Vic Sage, is a journalist turned superhero who uses his alternate identity to get answers out of villains and get the truth. He uses a mask that shows no facial features to cover his identity.
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