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The New Iron Man is Already Popular

Ironing Man | Marvel | Iron ManCheck out this awesome tee @ Teepublic

Since it was revealed that there would be a new Iron Man beyond Marvel’s second Civil War event it seems that fans are well and truly behind Riri Williams.

Riri Williams – the New Iron Man

Riri Williams is the new Iron Man

The news story has gone viral; it’s 2 billion hits within the space of 24 hours and has covered by virtually every media outlet online and offline.

It’s now common knowledge: Riri Williams will be the new Iron Man and comic book readers and retailers are getting right behind it.

Williams first appeared in Invinicble Iron Man #7, where she was seen creating her own Iron Man armour and from that issue onward, the Invincible Iron Man title sales have soared AND will be heading back to comic book stores next month. Check it out:

Also, now each new cover of the new printing listed above has Riri Williams face planted on it. Check out the new covers by Mike Deodato:

Invincible Iron Man #7

Invincible Iron Man #8

Invincible Iron Man #9

Invincible Iron Man #10

Invincible Iron Man #11

I think Iron Man is a very popular commodity for Marvel right now. The character was already popular, but now it seems fans across the globe have given them the “Green Light” for the new Iron Man and they’re, understandably, jumping all over it.

The character seems cool and workable; I just hope they don’t put Tony Stark back in the suit at a later date and she becomes a secondary, barely mentioned character.

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