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Iron Fist Actor Revealed

Defenders | Iron Fist Has Been Cast | Marvel

Back in January, I reported that Mike Colter, AKA Luke Cage, had revealed that the actor portraying Marvel Iron Fist had already been cast for the awesome new Netflix show, he just wasn’t allowed to let the cat out of the bag.

Now that Feline has wriggled loose and we can finally put a face on the character.

Iron Fist: A Bit of Controversy

The actor cast is a guy by the name of Finn Jones. Most might recognise him as Ser Loras Tyrell from Game of Thrones.

Iron Fist actor revealed

The casting has come with a certain amount of controversy. A lot of people believe Marvel should have cast an Asian actor in the role. Near as I can make out all of this boils down to the lack of Asian actors cast in major roles, which I can’t really get my head around.

Okay, so Marvel have been a little creative in their casting in the past, with Samuel L. Jackson getting the role of Nick Fury immediately springing to mind, but that doesn’t mean all characters should be re-cast. It doesn’t mean Iron Fist should be re-cast.

But even a Marvel writer wasn’t all that happy with the casting choice.

“Iron Fist is an orientalist-white-man-yellow-fever narrative,” tweets former X-Men, Black Widow and various other titles writer Marjorie Liu. “[An] Asian actor would have helped subvert that offensive trope, and reclaim space.”

I’m not too sure. I think the character works better as they are, but in either cast I’m just glad this actor has finally been revealed. I can’t wait for Iron Fist, The Defenders and all the rest of the Marvel geeky goodness Netflix has to offer.

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