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No thanks, I'm good.Legendary comic artist Alex Ross has done a cover for the upcoming ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS title and I just had to share with you all – it’s epic.
I’ve always LOVED Alex Ross’ work.
I remember my friend giving me his copy of Kingdom Come and as soon as I set my eyes on it, I was hooked. His art is beautiful; his style of shiny heroes gives each piece of art a sense of the “Golden Age” of heroes.
ANYWAY, as I mentioned earlier in the post, Alex Ross has created the cover for ALL-NEW, ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS issue 11. Written by Mark Waid, with interior art from Mahmud Asrar the awesome The official synopsis for this issue is:
The Avengers–captives on the Stalag of Space! Its mysterious alien warden cannot be beaten by conventional means, but the Avengers’ prison break will take them into an even more dangerous realm!
Check it out:
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