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No thanks, I'm good.This week it was confirmed that Marvel’s much anticipated Movie, Deadpool, had begun production and already crucial and awesome information is leaking from the set.
Yesterday, came the announcement that actor T.J. Miller (from Hows to Train Your Dragon and Silicon Valley fame) will portray cult Deadpool character Weasel and today, Morena Baccarin’s character was revealed and it’s awesome!
Yesterday, Baccarin posted the following picture on Twitter:
Let’s do this.
— Morena Baccarin (@missmorenab) March 19, 2015
As you can see, the character name on her casting chair reads “Vanessa”. This almost definitely refers to the X-Force character Vanessa Geraldine Carlysle AKA Copycat.
Copycat is shape changing mutant who, in the comic books, started out life as a prostitute in the Boston area, where she met and fell in love with Deadpool.
So I guess the movie has a love interest, no?
Now that the studio is taking the character seriously and not just throwing him in an already packed Wolverine movie to see how he’ll play out, it seems like the Deadpool movie is shaping up well and I, for one, am looking forward to seeing it.
Deadpool is currently scheduled for a release on February 12, 2016.
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