Captain America Civil War: 7 Awesome FAKE Movie Posters

Captain America | Avengers | Teeturtle

People are hyped about Captain America Civil War – so hyped in fact that they’ve already got their creative hats on and started making fake Movie posters for the movie.

Problem is, they’re THAT good the real one now has a LOT to live up to.

Check ’em out.

One of The Best

The hype of Captain America Civil War is high and people are getting REALLY excited about the movie. I put this down to 2 things:

  1. Captain America Winter Solder was AMAZING. I’ve asked a lot of people about which Marvel movies they like the best and in which order do they rank them and whilst some went for The Avengers, but some also rated Cap 2 as their best. My personal favourite was Guardians of the Galaxy, but I’d certainly rate Captain America Winter Soldier as my favourite individual character Marvel movie.
  2. Civil War was a VERY popular comic book story arc which most fellow comic book geeks out there already know. I wanna see the Marvel Movie Universe’s take on this story and I’m pretty sure every one else does to.

ANYWAY, back to the fake – yet entirely awesome – Captain America Civil War posters. Before we get involved with them, I have to warn you: they are so fantastic you might cry and want Captain America Civil War to get here, like, NOW!

I do apologise for the effect these posters might have on my fellow geek, but I take no responsibility for them. I am just the shepherd of awesomeness just trying to do his job.

Now let’s take a look:

Captain America Civil War Poster 1
Captain America Civil War Poster 2
Captain America Civil War Poster 3
Captain America Civil War Poster 4
Captain America Civil War Poster 5
Captain America Civil War Poster 6
Captain America Civil War Poster 7

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