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No thanks, I'm good.That’s right folks, the next two Avengers movie are set for a title change.
News comes from Uproxx who recently sat down with Captain America Civil War directors Joe and Anthony Russo.
Additionally, there were also some indications that we’ve been slightly duped with the titles too. SAY WHAT???
Now let’s dump the Avengers Infinity Ware info on you.
Firstly, Joe Russo believes that “the movies are two very different movies”. Okay…
Then they conceded that labeling the movies part 1 and part 2 was actually “misleading”.
So what does that mean going forward? Joe says, “The intention is we will change it, we just haven’t come up with the titles yet. But, yes, we will change it. And, yes, that is a scoop: we will retitle them.”
So interesting information here. Does this mean the movies won’t contain Thanos and the Infinity gems anymore? Were they ever going to? Were the titles just created to illicit fan hype?
Watch this space.
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