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Aquaman Movie Will Have Multiple Villains

Aquaman movie has multiple villains | Aquaman | DC Comics

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That’s right folks, the forthcoming Aquaman movie starring Jason Mamoa will contain multiple villains.

But who are these villains? Read all about it right here.

The Aquaman Joke

For years, thanks to shows like Robot Chicken (and to a lesser extent The Big Bang Theory), Aquaman has been the laughing stock of the DC Comics world. Some may call it unjust, but I reckon after Jason Mamoa brings the King of Atlantis to the big screens, EVERYONE will think it’s unjust.

I really think Mamoa will bring out the badass in the character, that is, of course, Assuming the movie itself isn’t a joke. Call me an optimist, but I hope that the Batman vs Superman movie will be the first kiddie steps into DC Comics getting into the awesome movie groove. I hope they progress, learn from their mistakes and aim to strive for better.

By the time Aquaman comes along in 2018, we could have one helluva movie on our hands.

Hopefully, that’s not just wishful thinking.

Multiple Villains

Let’s get to the meat of the story: the Aquaman movie to have multiple villains.

The news comes straight from the horses mouth; James Wan, the director of the Aquman movie. In a recent interview with CinemaBlend, Wan didn’t give away much in the interview, but he did suggests that would be multiple villains for Aquaman to fight.

“I gotta say, one thing I love about the Aquaman world is all the really different, really interesting characters. They are interesting characters, including the villains – I’m not going to tell you which villains I’m going to play with! [laughs] But they’re super cool. They’re very larger than life, but they’re unique.”

Okay no much to go on, but big enough to reveal that there will be multiple villains involved in the movie.

Who? There is no official word yet but our sources on the inside suggest that Wan and his team are planning on going big on the villains right away, with Aquaman’s half-brother Ocean Master and arguably his arch-nemesis Black Manta.

Aquaman villain Ocean MasterAquaman Villain Black Manta

Whether this will still be the same thinking by the time further casting and final scripts come to light is another matter, but it is certainly an interesting proposition.

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